Prajwal Srinivas

Data Driven - Result Oriented - Analytical

Welcome to my professional portfolio. I am Prajwal Srinivas, a seasoned Data Analyst with 4+ years of experience in big data analytics, model design, A/B testing, and stakeholder management. As I pursue my Master’s degree in Data Analytics Engineering at Northeastern University, I blend advanced technical skills with exceptional communication and leadership abilities. My journey includes transformative roles at Wayfair, HSBC,, and Tata Consultancy Services, where I have consistently driven innovation and delivered outstanding results. Dive into my portfolio to discover how we can collaborate to create intelligent, strategic decisions and shape the future of business analytics.



Technical Analyst

Jan 2024 - Present

Part of the Personalization POD under Search, Marketing Tech & Recommendations (SMART) team

Conducted cross-functional A/B testing on batch email event recommendation systems and homepage carousel SKU test, fostering collaboration across MLS, PM, and Engineering teams.

Built and maintained ETL pipelines for SKU strategy recommendation models to automate model QA using Python, Vertex AI Workbench, BigQuery and Apache Airflow.

Improved email open rates by 15% and increased average order value by 12% through optimized recommendation models.



Sep 2020 - Aug 2022

Part of the Model Risk Management (MRM) team under Risk & Compliance Analytics

Led the development and risk assessment of over 80 advanced financial crime monitoring models, enhancing governance and reducing audit findings by 18% in compliance with SR 11-7, BCBS, AMLD, and SOX regulations.

VValidated and enhanced rule-based, statistical, and ML models within the model risk management framework, optimizing key false positive rate and detection rate to improve decision-making and operational efficiency.

Optimized models performance using Python, PostgreSQL, Alteryx, and Collibra, achieving an 11% increase in overall model lift.

Enhanced model transparency and reporting by 6% through automated PowerBI and JIRA dashboarding, facilitating better decision-making.

Implemented robust back-testing and data governance procedures, reducing model drift triggers by 8% and managing global cross- functional collaboration across 55 countries; maintained model inventory and risk management system.

Awarded the ”Rising Star - 2021” in Global Analytics Center (GAC) - HSBC.

Data Scientist Intern

Apr 2020 - Jul 2020

Developed and deployed 4 ML web apps (profiling/predictor systems) using Django/Flask with a 93% satisfaction rating.

Tata Consultancy Services - Engineering and Industrial Services

Business Analyst

Oct 2018 - Apr 2020

Part of the Rolls Royce Aerospace Engine Electronic Control Unit (ECU) team

Designed safety-critical ECU software for Rolls Royce aircraft engines with Python and Ada95, improving reliability metrics; Automated regression tests with Airflow, reducing testing time by 9%.

Delivered an engine repair forecasting system based on ARIMA using scikit-learn, and Spark, saving ~$500k annually in maintenance expenditure, and reducing Mean time to repair (MTTR) by 12%.


Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Master of Science in Data Analytics Engineering

Sep 2022 - June 2024

Related Courses: Advanced Database Management, Statistics & Probability, Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Computation & Visualization for Analytics.

GPA: 3.9

B.M.S.College Of Engineering, Bengaluru, India

Bachelor of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Aug 2014 - Jun 2018

Related Courses: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Probability and Random Process, Linear Algebra.

GPA: 3.8


RBC Bank Customer Churn Analysis

Detailed churn analysis of RBC Bank customers. Analyzed the data and bring out few insights on the customer Churn. In the visualization, we understand the different criteria's pushing the customers to leave the bank. The report and the dashboard have been created using Microsoft Power BI.

Feeding Your Business - FoodPro's Database/BI Solution

Created a robust scalable database system - leveraging MySQL and MongoDB for efficient data operations; implemented data validation, normalization and security measures to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. Analyzed real-time data (transactional and reference) with Python, SQl and NoSQL to suggest A/B testing marketing campaigns. Increased customer repeat rate by 28%; recommended subscription marketing strategies.

Visualization Projects

Tableau Basics Detailed Handbook, COVID 19 scenario in India, IPL 2016-19 Metrics, IMDb Movie Ratings, Indian Foreign Direct Investment, Boston Real Estate.

Smart Flights - Predicting Domestic Flight Fares

Hypertuned ensemble model (Random Forest) with cross validation (Grid Search) on Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) while achieving a final accuracy of over 85%. Set up a Flask web app to predict domestic flights prices in India.

IPL First Innings Score Predictor

Fitted ridge regression model (to reduce multi-collinearity) on historical cricket matches data to predict scores for teams based on match parameters, also deployed on Heroku as a web app.

Know Before You Buy - Bengaluru House Price Predictor

Achieved 87% accuracy with linear regression for predicting house prices in Bengaluru, India (over 13000 data points). Deployed the best model on webapp (Flask, HTML/CSS) hosted on Heroku.

Coronavirus SIR Model Prediction

Analysing and predicting the behavious of the Coronavirus spread in India from a purely data perspective using the SIR Model of Prediction.

Titanic Survivor Prediction

Using Classifier techniques to predict the survivor of the Titanic, based on the features given to the input.

Haberman Dataset Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis on the Haberman Dataset, to find out the most important features impacting a cancer patient's survival rate.

Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition System

Classification of traffic signs in video sequence, using deep learning.


In addition to the above mentioned skills, I have also completed the following MOOC's to ensure constant amelioration and tweaking of my skillet.

  • Google Analytics

    Google Analytics for Beginners
  • Amazon AWS

    Data Analytics Fundamentals, The elements of Data Science
  • Coursera

    Python for Everybody Specialisation
  • LinkedIn

    Tableau Essential Training, Database Fundamentals, Oracle Database 12c-Basic/Advanced
  • Udemy

    Python A-Z, Tableau A-Z, Zero to Hero in Microsoft Excel
  • Tableau

    Tableau Analyst Badge, Desktop I: Fundamentals, Desktop II: Intermediat
